Viral Penis Fish, (What Is A Penis Fish ) Here Are 5 Interesting Facts Behind It | 2021 — Technodani

3 min readJan 14, 2021


Shaped like male genitalia i.e Penis( Penis Fish), what do you think about this one animal? what exactly is this one animal?

Recently the public was shocked by the appearance of a fish that is shaped like male genitalia. Yep! This fish appeared massively on a beach in China a while ago.

Due to its penis-like shape, many people speculate about this fish. Some even think that these fish are “aliens” that appear in alien-themed films. Wow, is it like that?

So, instead of being curious, let’s just look at a list of interesting facts behind this “penis fish”.
Guaranteed, your sense of belonging will pay off!

A penis fish is a type of fish species that was first found in the and in the Korean and Japanese coasts. Its scientific name called Urechis unicinctus which is known as the fat innkeeper worm or Chinese penis fish.

  • Urechis unicinctus (penis fish) is a species of the marine spoon worm.
  • It is widely referred to as the fat innkeeper or penis fish.
  • The body is about 10–30 cm long and has a yellowish-brown color, close to the cylindrical shape of the sausage.
  • On the surface of the body, there are many small papillae.
  • There is a flat nose that can be cut at the front of the mouth and it can be seen as another animal with a brain in the nose.

5 Interesting Facts Behind “Penis Fish”

As I explained above, this fish is called a “penis Fish” because it looks like male genitalia. But besides that, this Penis fish has a number of interesting facts. Here’s the list!

Even though many call it a fish, it turns out that the researchers categorize this species as a worm.

Has the scientific name urechis unicinctus , this worm survives by eating plankton in the ocean.

The cool thing is, these worms have a unique body metabolism system, so they are able to live in 2 realms at once, namely land and water.

Urechis unicinctus turns out to have a fairly long life when compared to other species, you know!

Researchers say that these worms can live up to 25 years. This is because these worms have much better resistance than other marine worm species.

This is also influenced by the way they hunt for survival. They will dig or make a hole in the shape of a “U” to trap plankton and marine bacteria.

Now, what distinguishes it from other marine worm species, urechis unicinctus has a very unique shape, which resembles male genitalia.

To be honest, there are several other marine species that also resemble a penis. However, urechis unicinctus has the most similar shape.

Maybe it could be an inspiration for filmmakers to work on filmmakers’ work related to parasites or alien creatures.

This worm has a fairly wide habitat distribution, with the most coverage in Asia, and some in Australia and America.

However, when this species stranded massively on the beach it could signal a terrible disaster that will happen there.

For example, the stranding of this sea worm species on the coast of Japan a few moments ago indicates that a big storm will occur. Wow, it’s exactly the same as what is shown in natural disaster films!

Even though the shape looks disgusting, it turns out that sea worms can be processed and consumed like seafood, you know!

In East Asia, especially Korea, Japan, Thailand, China, and Vietnam, this fish is cooked and given selected spices to reduce its fishy content.

But some are processed without cooking, for example in South Korea. You can find this sea worm menu with the name Goebel. The taste, really great!

Originally published at on January 14, 2021.

